Dating in Madagascar with Vazaha

A Vazaha refers to a French

Vazaha or Vaza also means simply "foreigners."

On the one hand, vazahas are like everyone else, so they may have feelings for a Malagasy girl, or love, and vice t! Hence, if going out with a vazaha by love is something normal, natural and human!

Finding and marrying a "Vazaha"

Many Malagasy girls are pride to be with a vazaha. This is another sign of distinction. Again, nothing is wrong but what I want to emphasize here are the different ways that young Malagasy girls use to reach this goal!

Because the internet is quite popularized in the moment, it is one of the most used means to find a vazaha. More precisely, the Internet dating! But did you know that the meetings do not just stop with the discussion.

At this point, it is not enough only to look at each other but also to see. There are cybers with special premises for meetings that require a certain intimacy. There are intimate spaces so that the girls can show their most intimate to their parties, with a webcam of course! Hence at the moment, there are cyber compartmentalized with special individualized booth.

Madagascar, Antananarivo
Madagascar, Antsiranana
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Madagascar, Antananarivo
Madagascar, Antananarivo
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Madagascar, Antananarivo